November 19-27, 2022

health Revolution summit

Educating and Empowering Individuals to take charge of their health.
Learn from leading experts how to transform your life with food as medicine.

25+ Indian Doctors & Nutritionists

25+ Targeted Health Talks

Interactive Live Discussions


A preventative and disease-free lifestyle is gaining more relevance, especially over the past two years. The pandemic has made us realize the importance of good health and a strong immunity. The Health Revolution Summit aims to educate individuals on the benefits of a healthy plant-based diet with scientific research and data presented by doctors & nutritionists. Sign up for the Health Revolution Summit, conducted by 25+ Indian-Origin Medical Doctors & Nutritionists.

Why Indian-Origin Doctors?

The Health Revolution is the summit bringing together Indian plant-based doctors on one platform from different parts of the world. These doctors are familiar with our Indian lifestyle, the latest healthcare available, dietary habits and knowledge of different foods of different Indian sub-cultures. These familiarities will help bridge the cultural gap between the  healthcare professional and the patient.

How This Event Will Transform Your Life

Even though India’s healthcare is growing, there are multiple constraints on the resources available.
Statistics show an increasing trend in the number of people getting at least one lifestyle disorder in the 35+ age group.

  • Learn the exact methods you can use to prevent health failure.

  • Know how to prevent physical problems from hampering your career.

  • Discover how to boost immunity against known & unknown viruses.

  • Identify the hacks to boost your current wellness program.

  • Extract better outcomes from your current eating habits.

  • Learn effective and affordable ways to improve health.

Scientific studies show that eating the right food can help prevent and even reverse Heart Disease, Cancer, Type-2 Diabetes, Auto-Immune conditions, High Blood Pressure, Obesity, PCOS, Respiratory Illnesses and more.


Health Revolution 2022 Speakers

Well known Indian Doctors & Nutritionists
Our experts will be sharing their years of knowledge, strategies and tactics.

Dr. Arun Kalyansundaram
MD, MPH, FACC, FSCAI Cardiologist

Interventional Cardiologist
Promed Hospital, Chennai

Dr. Pramod Tripathi

Freedom From Diabetes

Dr. Nitu Bajekal
MD Gynaecologist, NHS UK

Women's Health Expert

Dr. Nandita Shah
LCEH Homeopath


Dr. Tushar Mehta

Family & Emergency Physician

Dr. Shireen Kassam

Consultant Haematologist
King's College Hospital, London

Dr. Prahsanthi Meka
MD (USA) Cardiology

Natural Health Expert

Dr. Sanjeev Khanna
MD, MNAMS Gastroenterologist

Consulting Gastroenterologist
Nanavati, Criticare Hospitals

Dr. Ajoy Prabhu
MS Pathology

Circee Health

Dr. Jenny Prabhu
MD Pediatrics, MD Internal Medicine

Circee Health

Dr. Soham Patel


Dr. Bharat Rawat
MBBS, MD( Medicine), DM(Cardiology)

Associate Director
Interventional Cardiology

Dr. Paawan Wadhawan

Consultant Physician, Diabetologist

Dr. Anand Kumta
MBBS MS (Opthalmology)

Retina Specialist

Dr. Madhavi Kathpal


Dr. Rohit Modi

Ophthalmologist/ Eye Surgeon

Dr. Anuradha Ayyar
MBBS, DNB - Ophthalmology

Dr. Venkat Srinivasan

Dr. Mahesh Shah

Dr. Rupa Shah

Circle Of Health & Healin' Temple

Dr. Akil Taher

Author, Heart-Healthy Speaker, Resurgent Physician, Veganism Proponent

Dr. Sharang Wartikar


Dr. Shrenik Shah
MD ( Internal Medicine) USA


Dr. Rashmi Menon CHt


Dr. Vidya Chakravarthy BAMS, MBA FM(USA)

Promotive Health & Nutrition

Dr. R Saravanan

Nutrition & Lifestyle Medicine Consultant

Dr. Zeeshan Ali

Kickstart India
Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine

Dr. Achyuthan Eswar
Bachelor of Naturopathy & Yogic Sciences (BNYS)

Lifestyle Physician

Dr. Gauri Rokkam

PhD (Yoga & Life-Sciences), MSc (Food & Nutrition)
Holistic Nutritionist, Public Speaker

Kajal Bhatia
BSC ( FSN) CDE Nutritionist

KBHealth & Plant Power

Neha Ranglani
Certified Nutritionist

Ila Pathak
MSc (Nutrition)

Dr. Vinita Singh

Dr. Vyathilingam Pillay (Malaysia)

Roshni Sanghavi

Sports Nutritionist

Karishma Shah

Integrative Health Nutritionist
KarishmaShah Nutrition Consultancy

Free Registration is currently open for a limited time.
Join us online from Nov 19-27 and be part of the Health Revolution.


Event Schedule

Welcome Talk Health Revolution 2022

Nov 19, 2022 - 7.00 PM (IST)
Speaker: Dr. Rupa Shah MBBS and Dr. R Saravanan BHMS, PGDHSC, ACLM, FCN


Living PCOS Free: How to regain your hormonal health with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Nov 19, 2022 - 7.30 PM (IST)
Speaker: Dr. Nitu Bajekal MD, Gynaecologist

Reversing Diabetes Experiences in last 10 years

Nov 19, 2022 - 8.30 PM (IST)
Speaker: Dr. Pramod Tripathi, MBBS

Interactive Questions & Answers Sessions

Nov 19, 2022 - 9.30 PM (IST)
Speaker: Dr. Rupa Shah MBBS, Dr. Pramod Tripathi MBBS, Dr. Gauri Rokkam PhD (Yoga & Life-Sciences), MSc (Food & Nutrition) and Dr. R Saravanan BHMS, PGDHSC, ACLM, FCN


Gut Microbiome

Nov 19, 2022 - 10.30 PM (IST)
Speaker: Dr. Mahesh Shah (MBBS, NTDip, mBANT, mCNHC)


Disease Reversal Through Whole Food Plant-Based Diet (Hindi)

Nov 20, 2022 - 5.30 PM (IST)
Speaker: Dr. Madhavi Kathpal DVD Dermatologist and Dr. Anand Kumta MS (Opthalmology)

Plant Based Diet for Men's Health

Nov 20, 2022 - 7.30 PM (IST)
Speaker: Dr. R Saravanan BHMS, PGDHSC (Applied Nutrition), ACLM, FCN

Bullet Proof Your Heart

Nov 20, 2022 - 8.30 PM (IST)
Speaker: Dr. Arun Kalyansundaram MD, MPH, FACC, FSCAI

Interactive Questions & Answers Sessions

Nov 20, 2022 - 9.30 PM (IST)
Speaker: Dr. Arun Kalyansundaram MD, MPH, FACC, FSCAI Cardiologist, Dr. Rupa Shah MBBS and Dr. R Saravanan BHMS, PGDHSC, ACLM, FCN


Heart Disease in South Asians (Indians)

Nov 20, 2022 - 10.30 PM (IST)
Speaker: Dr. Akil Taher MD


Sleep Issues & Plant Based Diet

Nov 21, 2022 - 4.00 PM (IST)
Speaker: Dr. Vinita Singh BDS, Dip. IBLM, HNC, CHEF (ILM)


Will I get all Nutrients from a Plant Based Diet?

Nov 21, 2022 - 7.00 PM (IST)
Speaker: Dr. Anuradha Ayyar DNB - Ophthalmology, MBBS Ophthalmologist/ Eye Sur


Will I get all Nutrients from a Plant Based Diet? (Hindi)

Nov 21, 2022 - 7.15 PM (IST)
Speaker: Dr. Anuradha Ayyar DNB - Ophthalmology, MBBS Ophthalmologist/ Eye Sur


Building Immunity Through Nutrition with Dr. Achyuthan Eswar

Nov 21, 2022 - 7.30 PM (IST)
Speaker: Dr. Achyuthan Eswar

The Logic of Whole Food Plant Based Diet and how and why it is different from Naturopathy

Nov 21, 2022 - 8.30 PM (IST)
Speaker: Dr Nandita Shah LCEH Homeopath, Founder SHARAN

Q & A with Dr Nandita Shah

Nov 21, 2022 - 9.05 PM (IST)
Speaker: Dr. Rupa Shah MBBS, Dr Nandita Shah LCEH Homeopath and Dr. R Saravanan BHMS, PGDHSC, ACLM, FCN


Will I Get Enough Protein by Plant-Based Diet?

Nov 22, 2022 - 7.00 PM (IST)
Speaker: Dr. Rohit Modi MBBS, MS - Ophthalmology


Will I Get Enough Protein by Plant-Based Diet? (Hindi)

Nov 22, 2022 - 7.15 PM (IST)
Speaker: Dr. Rohit Modi MBBS, MS - Ophthalmology

Whole Food Plant-Based Healthy Balanced Meal And It's Benefits

Nov 22, 2022 - 7.30 PM (IST)
Speaker: Dr. Gauri Rokkam PhD (Yoga & Life-Sciences), MSc (Food & Nutrition)

Disease Reversal - Desi Style

Nov 22, 2022 - 8.30 PM (IST)
Speaker: Dr. Soham Patel MBBS, MD, FACE, DipABLM


Disease Reversal Through Whole Food Plant-Based Diet

Nov 22, 2022 - 9.30 PM (IST)
Speaker: Dr. Anand Kumta MS (Opthalmology))


Dairy's ill-Impact on Health & Dairy Alternatives

Nov 22, 2022 - 10.00 PM (IST)
Speaker: Dr. Rupa Shah MBBS, Director, Circle Of Health


Health Pandemics Environment Animal Agriculture Link

Nov 23, 2022 - 7.00 PM (IST)
Speaker: Dr. Sharang Wartikar MS (Opthalmology)


Health Pandemics Environment Animal Agriculture Link (Hindi)

Nov 23, 2022 - 7.15 PM (IST)
Speaker: Dr. Sharang Wartikar MS (Opthalmology)


Boosting Immunity in Children through Plant-Based Nutrition

Nov 23, 2022 - 7.30 PM (IST)
Speaker: Dr. Jenny Prabhu MD Pediatrics MD Internal Medicine

Unhealthy Food Cravings: How to overcome them?

Nov 23, 2022 - 8.30 PM (IST)
Speaker: Dr. Rashmi Menon BHMS, CHT

Learnings Of An Allopath With Application Of Natural Laws

Nov 23, 2022 - 9.30 PM (IST)
Speaker: Dr. Prahsanthi Meka MD (USA)


Plant Based Diet and Our Health

Nov 23, 2022 - 10.00 PM (IST)
Speaker: Dr. Shrenik Shah MD ( Internal Medicine) USA


Disease Reversal Through Whole Food Plant-Based Diet (Hindi)

Nov 20, 2022 - 7.00 PM (IST)
Speaker: Dr. Anand Kumta MS (Opthalmology))


What About My Calcium?

Nov 24, 2022 - 7.30 PM (IST)
Speaker: Dr. Rupa Shah MBBS, Director, Circle Of Health

Reversing Type 2 Diabetes by changing diet and lifestyle

Nov 24, 2022 - 8.30 PM (IST)
Speaker: Dr. Paawan Wadhawan MD, Consultant Physician, Diabetologist

Happy and Healthy Heart

Nov 24, 2022 - 9.30 PM (IST)
Speaker: Dr. Bharat Rawat MBBS, MD( Medicine), DM(Cardilogy)


Dairy's ill-Impact on Health & Dairy Alternatives (Hindi)

Nov 25, 2022 - 7.00 PM (IST)
Speaker: Dr. Rupa Shah MBBS, Director, Circle Of Health

What Is Lifestyle Medicine & Why Should You Care?

Nov 25, 2022 - 7.30 PM (IST)
Speaker: Dr. Ajoy Prabhu MS (Pathology), MBA (Marketing) and Dr. Jenny Prabhu MD Pediatrics MD Internal Medicine

Connecting The Human Kind To The Planet With A Whole-Food Plant-Based Lifestyle

Nov 25, 2022 - 8.30 PM (IST)
Speaker: Dr. Vidya Chakravarthy BAMS, MBA FM(USA)

Importance of scientific research in plant based lifestyle

Nov 25, 2022 - 9.30 PM (IST)
Speaker: Dr. Tushar Mehta MD (CANADA)


Protein - the Pain point

Nov 26, 2022 - 5.30 PM (IST)
Speaker: Kajal Bhatia BSC ( FSN) CDE Nutritionist


Teen Health: The Hormonal Orchestra

Nov 26, 2022 - 6.30 PM (IST)
Speaker: Neha Ranglani Bh.SC , IIN, Certified Nutritionist

Plant-Based Nutrition For Cancer

Nov 26, 2022 - 7.30 PM (IST)
Speaker: Dr. Shireen Kassam MBBS, PhD, FRCPath, dipIBLM


Nutrition 101 for optimal health

Nov 26, 2022 - 8.30 PM (IST)
Speaker: Dr. Zeeshan Ali PhD, Kickstart India Program Specialist, Physicians Commitee for Responsible Medicine

Interactive Questions & Answers Sessions

Nov 26, 2022 - 9.30 PM (IST)
Speaker: Dr. Rupa Shah MBBS, Dr. Vidya Chakravarthy BAMS, MBA FM(USA) Ayurvedic Physician, Dr. Rashmi Menon BHMS, CHt Homeopath and Dr. R Saravanan BHMS, PGDHSC, ACLM, FCN


Lifestyle Changes on Plant Based Diet

Nov 27, 2022 - 6.30 PM (IST)
Speaker: Dr. Venkat Srinivasan MD

Vitamin B12 and Non-vegetarianism: MYTH or REALITY… ?

Nov 27, 2022 - 7.30 PM (IST)
Speaker: Dr. Sanjeev Khanna MD, MNAMS


Menstruation to Menopause

Nov 27, 2022 - 8.30 PM (IST)
Speaker: Kajal Bhatia BSC ( FSN) CDE Nutritionist, Ila Pathak MSc (Nutrition) and Neha Ranglani Bh.SC , IIN, Certified Nutritionist

Interactive Questions & Answers Sessions

Nov 27, 2022 - 9.30 PM (IST)
Speaker: Dr. Rupa Shah MBBS, Dr. Sanjeev Khanna MD, MNAMS Gastroenterologist, Dr. Tushar Mehta MD (CANADA) Emergency Physician, Dr. Ajoy Prabhu MS (Pathology), MBA (Marketing) and Dr. R Saravanan BHMS, PGDHSC, ACLM, FCN

What To Expect

How to reverse Diabetes

How to deal with PCOS

A plant-based diet for Cancer

How to avoid Cardiovascular Diseases

Important information on Men’s Health

Nutritional Myths to debunk and foods you should eliminate from your diet

How to eat healthily

How to avoid nutritional deficiencies

Who Should Attend

Event Tickets

A pricing with no surprises!!!

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Event Partners

A huge thanks to all our amazing partners. We couldn’t have a conference without you!

What Attendees Are Saying About Our Event

Testimonials of our past Health Revolution Event attendees.

Day 1 started from last night to keep myself on edge to attend the maximum sessions live and I was thrilled to see that there are back to back sessions for entire night. Since then I am enjoying the cool features of lounging, fixing meeting, participate in contests, checking my leaderboard, networking, learning some amazing things, listening to some really wonderful people associated with this cause. Apart from missing food, I feel this virtual expo has given me ease to multi task my work, domestic chores and yet focus on the many sessions. So it is worth attending such expo online as the main core of such assembling is in networking and increasing knowledge base. Thank you organizers. Much appreciate your efforts.
Poonam Bhardwaj
This global vegan business expo has been really an great initiative for everyone of us there are so many great speakers and other people who have participated for the event there is so much of knowledge sharing content, good productive session, great networking opportunities for everyone, positivity all over and awareness being created among people which is very important aspect. Great work by Dr. Rupa shah and team by organizing this wonderful event. So day 1 has been really been productive for me so far got to know many new things, and so on . Hope everyone is taking maximum benefit of this event. All the best everyone looking forward to network each one of you, have a great day ahead.
Sushant Bodke
The global vegan business expo has been really a great opportunity for everyone and especially people like me who have just recently started their business. People who have started their businesses recently have a lot to learn from all these speakers! These speakers have a lot to share with us. All the speakers and the events can not be missed at all. This is a really great networking opportunity and the opportunity to expand your business. All the efforts taken are really appreciated, thank for organising this!! So exicted to be a part!
Mudra Parekh
This virtual expo has brought a lot of people together in these tough times of corona virus. Keeping safety and security of human lives with the objectivity of promoting business is an innovative approach towards these changing times. The best part of this portal was – that each and everything was well planned and customized according to business needs. Hope to see more events like these in future as well.
Balpreet Kaur
This is my first virtual expo.. Feeling great to be the part of it... Earlier thinking, it would be difficult.. But task well easy goin.. Thanks to DWW grp, frm where i motivated my self... Every minute you are learning... Luved to see Aarush.. Livingfood... Vegan.. Many more speakers..their View's.. Grt.. TyGVB
SJ Design
It's a biggest family Get together. It makes us feel proud to see the work all our family members are doing for protecting and saving our planet and environment. They have great events planed, They have Great speakers sharing their knowledge with everybody. They are making a platform for many family members to showcase their products and make everybody aware of the same. Thanks a lot to the entire team of GVBE 2020. All their hard work will benefit the entire family and also add new members to the family by converting their lifestyle.
Bhupesh Shah

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