The Game Changers

Here are a group of raw food specialists who follow a revolutionary system of disease reversal at no cost. Their vision is for every household to live a cruelty-free life and be disease-free in the process.

 Health is crucial. We all know that, and the rapidly growing number of medical experts and medical consultants are mushrooming across the health care industry bear testimony to the alarming spike in lifestyle diseases in the past 25-30 years. And the road to wellness may seem steep as the medical practitioners and spas charge astronomical fees that will burn a hole in your pocket. However, parallel to the pharma industry, there is a rise in alternative medicines, holistic health and nutrition experts who have perceived the limitations of the allopathic system of medicine and offer more pragmatic programmes with diet guidance, health advise, handholding, holistic activity camps and workshops.

 A World Without Medicines

There are a few groups of people who do not advertise much, but have organised workshops in 40 cities in India and across 20 countries in the world. The groups follow a system called ‘New Diet System (NDS)’ founded by BV Chauhan (Details in Box), which is managed by a number of former students who have experienced dramatic health transformations and reversed diseased by changing the food on their plate. The NDS principle means to have a fireless kitchen and consume raw food & juices combined with regular fasts. Here you do not cook your food at all, as nature has provided vegetables and fruits that are to be consumed as whole foods only.

One of the NDS followers is Pradeep Shah and his wife Meena Shah. After he witnessed the dramatic disease reversals in his health (see box), he has taken it upon himself to advocate this diet by organizing NDS workshops regularly. Pradeep and Meena Shah have held more than 300 workshops across India and have witnessed many of their workshop participants reverse lifestyle disease like heart blockages, cancer, paralysis and diabetes.

Through their workshops, he has enabled participants to shift to a natural diet, and eliminate dairy, meat and eggs overnight. In his seminar, Pradeep Shah shares scientific research details and videos about the negative impact of animal products on the human body.

‘Knowledge-Sharing’ Model

The NDS workshops organized by Pradeep Shah are organized regularly at suburbs in the city and interested participants have to just book their seats for Rs 250, which is refundable at request. The one-day workshop includes an extensive talk by Shah and also includes a hearty spread of delicious raw lunch and tempting range of sweets. This is followed by a demo-talk by Meena Shah about how to make dairy alternatives in a budget that is suitable for every pocket.

The seminar ends with inspiring testimonials of participants who have recovered from diseases by incorporating fasting, taking juices and raw whole foods only.

Initially, the workshops were organized free to share knowledge and to serve the community. It was only recently that they have started charging a nominal fee to streamline the organization of the event better. His aim is for NDS to become a household name so that even people with limited resources can benefit from the workshops. Participants are free to ask for a refund or donate based on their capacity. The zero-cost knowledge-sharing model has proven to be phenomenal success and is growing very rapidly through word-of-mouth primarily.

“We want everybody to experience the dramatic improvements in health, the way we did. This is why we do not charge any fees. We believe that a healthy body is naturally accompanied by a healthy mind and soul. And it all starts with the food choices on your plate”, emphasized Pradeep Shah.

New Diet System has been conceptualised and developed by BV Chauhan after 9 years of extensive experiments on himself and his relatives with positive results. The concept of Raw Food Theory (living food) and Fasting is based on the principles of eating only uncooked whole foods. This way, NDS creates immunity and heals diseases. He now shares his knowledge in his talks at no cost.

Pradeep Shah’s Personal Story

Since childhood, I was suffering from various issues, like cold & cough, constipation, headache, body pain, low energy and so on. Subsequently, I was diagnosed for acute hypertension, followed by diabetes, cholesterol and obesity. I was concerned about my health and tried looking for solutions in the domains of allopathy, naturopathy, homeopathy and even alternative methods of acupressure, acupuncture and yoga and diet programmes like drinking only water in the mornings and so on. At the time, I was also taking walks and exercising regularly. And although I did experience some benefits, there was no healing. My medicine list was steadily increasing.

As I continued my search, I attended a seminar with my wife, Meena, titled, ‘The World Without Medicine’, by Late Premchand Kapadia. The talk convinced me that raw food can reverse all my health issues. And both of us decided to adopt this system. I had so much confidence in this technique that I dropped all my medicines overnight. And as I anticipated, all my health issues rapidly reversed and healed completely. I felt rejuvenated and my energy levels were higher than ever.

We were inspired to share the benefits of raw food or NDS method of disease reversal to others, so that the society may benefit as well. We went on to organize a number of small programmes, initially with a few neighbours in our house, and as our participants grew in number, we expanded to bigger venues.

And witnessing participants coming out of their miseries was our biggest reward. Today, we continue organizing the same programmes. It’s almost been 11 months. Presently, I am on raw food and I have a fireless kitchen. My food comprises fruits, vegetables and nuts–no grains, pulses or cereals. This is the diet that nature has designed for us.




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Compassion India Magazine

Compassion India is India’s official first ever vegan print publication. It aims is to bring the vegan community closer and create awareness about the ethical and health advantages of following this lifestyle. The magazine was launched on 1t November 2019, which was World Vegan Day.



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